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Swaping Foot Fractures for Vitamin D!

Updated: Mar 7

Winter always means shorter, colder days with limited sunlight, which makes it harder to maintain healthy vitamin D levels in your body. As we embark on our first full winter during a pandemic, getting outside is even harder, which makes it even more important to get enough vitamin D. Not enough vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis, bone and muscle pain and increase the risk of stress fractures in your feet.

Calcium usually gets all the credit for building bone density, but it’s vitamin D that manages your calcium intake allowing the body to absorb both calcium and phosphate. If your vitamin D levels dip, the weightbearing bones in your feet and ankles are affected as they’re not strong enough to withstand the pressure of supporting your body. Typically, the majority of patients who are treated for foot fractures and also have low vitamin D levels are over the age of 50, have limited sun exposure or a darker skin complexion or have a medical condition causing fat malabsorption.

Luckily, there are ways to increase your vitamin D levels without increasing your sun exposure. You can eat fortified foods rich in vitamin D or take a daily supplement. The US Food and Drug Administration daily value for vitamin D is 400 IU, but those with a deficiency may need more.

If you’re experiencing frequent foot fractures or unexplainable foot pain, schedule an appointment with our office. We can do a simple lab test to check your vitamin D levels and discuss proper treatment options!

Vitamin D for Healthy feet

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